Introducere in Roadkillcensor...

Sunt imparatul regatului meu si regele imparatiei mele. Sunt subaltern doar mie si ma urasc pt asta deoarece sunt un sef foarte neplacut. Vin dezbracat la servici, vorbesc urat, miros a ... usturoi si ... si ... torturez insecte in timpul liber. Dar in acelasi timp ma apreciez foarte mult, pt ca sunt frumos si destept si oricine vine pe blogul meu crede asta si oricum daca ar crede altceva si s-ar exprima, i-as suprima/cenzura parerea ca si cum ar locui in Coreea de Nord. De ce ? Pentru ca pot. Si daca exista vreun loc in care sa pot pe lumea aceasta, acel loc este blogul de fata. Bine... realizez ca blogul nu este tocmai pe lumea aceasta, ci situat intr-un plan paralel, virtual, al Internetului, presarat cu numeroase minunatii precum informatii, stiinta, arta, muzica, pornografie, religie si lupte in namol cu pitici. Dar acesta este, nonetheless, domeniul MEU si va primesc, ca un stapan milostiv si cu suflet marinimos, cu mancare si bautura , evident stricate sau cel putin cu termenul de garantie depasit.
Insa, pentru a pune si putina lumina asupra intentiilor mele, acest blog nu are alt rol decat acela de a-mi fi un mijloc prin a-mi exprima simtul umorului in moduri in care poate nu as putea in viata reala, gen postat link sau videoclip cu o melodie gay. In rest, sper ca o sa provoace macar un zambet mic ceva de pe aici, nu de alta ,dar ar fi pacat sa luati doar virusi si spyware de pe site-ul acesta. Oricum toate datele tale au fost trimise unde trebuie pana ai ajuns sa citesti chestia asta, asa ca poti sta linistit, o sa ai parte de porn-spam cat sa ... nu stiu... ai foarte foarte foarte mult porn-spam.
Incurajez totusi exprimarea de opinii legate de postari pentru ca se poate totusi ca prin pura intamplare, sa avem pareri comune, caz in care or sa ramana. Poate iti spui ca sunt las ca nu accept idei sau critici ... ei bine, foarte probabil nu o sa te las sa spui asta pe aici. Astept poate si email-uri sau mesaje, insa doar ca sa le las neraspunse in caz ca nu imi convin si poate le si marchez ca spam pt a nu mai avea de-a face cu persoanele respective. Nu de alta, dar multe din probleme dispar daca le ignori in viata si este foarte foarte usor si convenabil sa nu le infrunti si sa spui tuturor ca le-ai fi putut rezolva foarte bine, doar ca ti-a fost lene. Vorba aia, mai bine nu faci si te poti lauda ca ai fi facut bine, decat sa faci si sa existe sansa sa faci prost!
Mi-a facut placere, dragii mei, si va astept pe aici la o prostie scrisa de mine din an in Paste. V-am pupat si mai veniti pe la noi! (insa daca aveti intentii negative, go suck a donkey schlong!)

duminică, 1 noiembrie 2009

Dark and twisted times

This is my dark period. Like Picasso's blue period, I'm in my shitty one. Actually, if you come to think of it, women's periods are pretty shitty ones, so I could rephrase it like this: I'm having a period and it is shitty. Which sounds pretty obvious...because it is. Periods are shitty. Good we clarified this matter.

Dunno why exactly I'm writing in English, not like I have a foreign following that I'm not aware of, although I do know that some of the most important people on Earth follow this blog...and I'm not gonna take it farther than this. Just take into consideration that every time you masturbate in front of the computer, you're being filmed and everything's sent to my HQ, from where I carry on my blackmail/porn spamming activities. Don't worry, you cannot harm me in my sanctuary which I call home, since "I live in a golden palace orbiting Jupiter" ( Anyways, hope you hordes of English speaking fans out there enjoy this post (as you should my Romanian ones, even though you can't understand shit; but don't worry, I don't are not alone (and I'm not talking about the filming-you-masturbate-part;which goes only to the men out there,the ladies can remain calm) ).

So, as to march on in the direction I have stated before, my dark period consists in fuckin sad songs one listens in such situations. Songs sadder than a baby goat being raped by a horny monkey that wears a shackled-chain around its neck (reference to clip no.3). So I will let the Man in Black, Mr Johnny Cash do his job and take you on a cloudy, melancholic journey - Give My Love to Rose and Hurt. Enjoy as you are taken over by the sadness and regrets of an unfullfilling life twist your very last ounce of soul (+dead baby dolphins and shit...may they rest in peace).

5 comentarii:

marykika spunea...

not to worry,dearest. you know what they say...the sweet wouldn't be so sweet without the sour. so buckle up, get through it and in the meanwhile enjoy the music. and the booze. and the porn. and your neverending collection of clips of dudes masturbating.
Boy, do I want your life...

Costin spunea...

much respect for you,little lady! much respect! and friendish lovin >:D< !

Anonim spunea...

sorry to hear that mate, i'll do my best to help you get through...

MuSKA spunea...

Indeed my dear Roadkillcensor is sometimes full of sad shit. But let us thank our Lord and Saviour, S-A-T-A-N-A-S, praised be His name, for the simple and complicated shit He blessed us with...wonderful shit like...pissing contests, Cacatory, non alcoholic beer, herpes, Ecaterina Andronescu or even a monkey who tries to fuck a goat between her horns (...could make a great family pet)
So let us all join hands now and meditate on The Question that has puzzled humanity for thousands of years...
How can a man sit on a toilet, shit,and miss the fucking thing underneath him?...
For only after we know the answer, our lives can return to ...innocence...iniaaa haniaaaa iniaaaa iiiiiii, huaaa inahania...hua iiiii:))

Numa' bine!

Costin spunea...

:)))) Although it seems hard do believe,your wisdom surpasses your beauty,mister FlyMan ;) !

And to answer your question, the ones who built the toilet are to blame, for they have not anticipated the exact location as to where the shit will exactly touch the ground, thus explaining the disturbing distance between the piece of shit and the toilet orifice! I believe this explanation to be satisfactory! Now you can bask in my glory, oh beautiful and wise one :D ! :))))

Nothing but man-love for you, you Ardeal Dweller, you! :D